Aug 28, 2013

Tarkovsky's lessons: Do Not Speak Esperanto.

One of the greatest artist ever Andrei Tarkovsky criticized usage of Esperanto in one of his lectures, but actually great master did not meant that you should not practise the international constructed language.

Мы мало обращаем внимания на жизнь, мы невнимательны и небрежны к жизни, которая является причиной искусства, мы занимаемся творчеством в кабинетах по принципу Жюля Верна. Возникло какое-то огромное количество штампов, какой-то условный язык, эсперанто. Мы занимаемся тем,что рассказываем какие-то истории, исторьетки старым языком, не свойственным нам самим, повторяем друг друга и ничего никому дать не можем.
"We pay little attention for life, we are not attentive and not careful to life, which is reason of art, we create art in offices by principle of Jules Verne. Some giant quantity of cliches has appeared, some conventional language, esperanto. We are occupied with telling some stories, historiettes in old language, not inherent for us ourselves, repeating each other and can not give a thing to anybody."

 Andrei Tarkovsky, lecture on screenplay.

Problem of finding own voice and ability to express real emotions is as always very relevant today. Tarkovsky was moviemaker who was able to transform his own emotions derived from real life to masterpiece.  Is is very common that many directors try to copy some elements they noticed in works of others. And also in our time academical approach plays enourmous part in movie industry. Quentin Tarantino (who said in his interviews that Tarkovsky made big influence on him) is probably the most influential director of contemporary Hollywood. Also may be because he has no high education like all other big directors. He does not speak esperanto, because he did not learn it. Tarantino movies are more original. 
Of course, education and learning from the others is good way for self-development. And more than that Tarkovsky himself graduated from Moscow's VGIK which is top russian film school. May be Great Master just meant that except learning skills you should also find ability to express real bright emotions in the movie you create.

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