Jul 18, 2013

This Can Be a Movie: My Mom Burns Picasso.

There was a lot of movies about adventurous teams stealing works of great artists. Something like the Code or Ocean's Twelve. But reality sometimes is even more intriguing than fiction, because movie writers usually bound by the rules they were taught in academies, when life is not limited by any artificial aspect. That is what helps to create sometimes the most unusual stories being based on true fact. Though no one says the fiction is not nessesary.

Just this week mother of one of the fabulous Kunsthal robbery suspects claimed she burned works of great masters cost $100m to save her son from prison. Is it not enough to make a story?
First scene may begin in court of Buharest. Woman (we gonna call her Mom, she can be acted by Susan Sarandon or may be Judy Dench) stands proudly in front of judges. She is not afraid and with evident dignity answers the questions.
- So you insist that you just burned it?
- Yes, I just burned it, - she says, and after long seconds of silence, - I burned them all. I burned Matisse, Gauguin, Monet and Picasso.
We see her face in close up. Music intensifies. And then we see another scene with writing "9 monthes ago" in first frames. Men in masks and black costumes visit Kunsthal in Rotterdam. Then follows roller coaster ride from one european capital to another. Police wents closer and closer to thefts, being always only one move behind. There should be some detective of Netherlands police (better if woman).
But detective won't be major antagonist. Only additional. Mom is major antagonists. And Protagonist is her son. All of her life she spent breeding him trying to raise a 'good boy'. And now she feels her faults. May be she should not love him that much. But now she still tries to fix the things right. That is why it is important that Detective should be a woman too. It is women against man. Female wish to do the things right against male desire of adventure.
Internal conflict of protagonist (let's call him just Thief) is his universal 'to be or not to be'. He chooses between normal life of happy citizen and adventures life of the theft. and what is more important he should choose whether he wants to be more usual looking man, but happy one or cool blooded pro, but who may end in the worst way every next day. Happiness or Adventure?
There also can be a girl from neighbourhood who can be possible bride for Thief. She may appear in the movie sitting in the garden bending under book like on one of the pictures of Matisse, which is probably does not exist anymore. She can become happy wife or almost Othelia depending what genre it will be more of comedy or more of drama. She is one more woman representing possibility of 'simple happiness'. Other links to stolen pieces may appear. For example, team may visit Waterloo bridge in London on their way of seek-and-hide game.
In one of final scenes mom burns pieces of great masters at the very home where she raised her son. This appears to be emotional manifistation of her disability to save herson from his life. Both Antagonist and Protagonist suffer some failure. But whether it will be good or bad final is depending on genre and will be Thief able to choose to be more usual, but happy citizen or will he ruin his life, breaking all the ties.
This story really deserves to be movie.

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