Jun 25, 2013

After Earth: First Will Smith's Big Movie of Decade Not To Become Blockbuster.

From the very beginning of its way through world's theaters new sci-fi with the most successful  (in terms of box office) Hollywood actor Will Smith - After Earth was suffering disaster. Exactly like big space ship hit by the asteroid. Now, when its weekend grasp in US  is less than million dollar, it becomes evident that movie may become commercially the most unsuccessful Will Smith's movie of recent decade. And it won't became international blockbuster. To do so movie needs to collect at least 80 million more, which now seems impossible. And also Fox studio had just claimed that Independence Day II will be filmed without participation of Smith.

Though connection between After Earth financial results and Independance Day II cast is not for sure, it is for sure that movie is the least box office success of Will Smith's film in decade. Its US box office is less than even that of 7 pounds which is art house movie. Its coefficient of Box Office success (BO to budget) is the lowest of recent Will Smith's movies. MIB III had collect at homelands a little less than it could be expected. But movie had covered its lack in US with luck in Europe, achieving international box office mark higher than $600m.
Seven previous films have average coefficient of 3,83, when recent film has only 1,32. Previous four sci-fi actions all became blockbusters, when After Earth won't.
And also average rank of 7 previous films at IMDB is 7,1 out of 10. With highest (7,8) for Pursuit for Happyness and lowest (6,5) for Hancock. and After Earth is ranked with 4,9 currently. Its critical reception is low.
Hollywood business is venture business. So even 'invulnerable' can face trouble. So we may be still do not know where the financial peak of Will Smith's career is.

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